There are several ways to process a series of images. The principle is to share the settings of a reference image.

A- As long as the computer processor can follow
– Select a set of photos in the image browser. The first will be the model
– Correct the template image > All corrections will be applied to all images

B- Copy / Paste corrections of the master image
– Right click on the image – Copy settings (Ctrl+ Shift+ C/ Cmd+ Shift+ C)
– Select one or more images

– Paste all the corrections (Ctrl+ Shift+ V/ Cmd+ Shift+ V)
– Paste Local Adjustments only (Ctrl+ Shift+ L/ Cmd+ Shift+ L)
– Paste Global corrections only (Ctrl+ Shift+ G/ Cmd+ Shift+ G)

C- Partially apply corrections from an image to others in the series
For example: Do not repeat the horizontality correction.
– Right click on the image – Copy (all) settings (Ctrl+ Shift+ C/ Cmd+ Shift+ C)
– Select one or more images
Selective Paste some corrections (Ctrl+ Alt+ V / Alt+ Cmd+ Shift+ V)
  Uncheck the “Horizon correction” checkbox in the selective pasting table

I prefer these modes of operation to creating a partial preset.

D- Add an additional correction to a set of images already individually corrected (with different corrections).
For example: Warm up all the pictures
– Select a set of photos. The first one will be the model
– Warm Tone Filter
  Only this setting will be applied
  Other special settings will be kept

Do not forget to cancel the selection before continuing ! DANGER !

It is too easy to inadvertently process multiple images when selecting multiple images in the image browser.
If you do find you’ve made this mistake whilst still in Customize mode.
Don’t immediately un-select all selected images
– Press Ctrl+Z to undo the bulk changes you’ve just made
You may need to repeat it several times, to match the number of unwitting changes you’ve made.

Please mind. Special feature for the white balance.
– Enter a temperature value. It will be uniformly assigned to the entire selection
– Shift the temperature or Tint by right-clicking several times on the rail.
The correction will be applied with the same step to all images BUT respecting the starting value of each of them. – All rights reserved – tous droits réservés

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